Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Lovecraft In December #4 and #5: A Mythos History and Gou Tanabe!

Missed posting yesterday, so here's a double feature!

Speaking of Kenneth Hite, the author of the children's Mythos books in a previous post, this book also comes from Mr. Hite. A fantastic little read about a "secret history" of the United States' war against the monsters and gods of the Cthulhu Mythos.

It incorporates real world history with a corresponding timeline of Mythos events in Lovecraft's stories with fantastic art by Kennon Bauman.

It's a fun and interesting read into a "What If...?" scenario...or perhaps a more than truthful account presented as fiction??!

Probably not!

And here we have another series of comic adaptations of some of Lovecraft's stories, this time coming in the manga format from incredibly talented artist Gou Tanabe.

I admit that I am not one to partake in manga or anime(save for some exceptions in the form of Pokemon in my childhood and Rurouni Kenshin in my teens), but when I learned about Tanabe's adaptations, looked up his beautiful art, and found an english-translated anthology published by Dark Horse? I had to have it.

They are great adaptations as well, which is my most important aspect to adaptations of Lovecraft's work. The art being gorgeous helps, too.

And as I write this post, I believe Dark Horse is currently working on english translations of Gou's At the Mountains of Madness and several other tales that I am very much looking forward to!

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