Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Lovecraft In December #26: Lurker in the Lobby since 2008

And now, to finish out Lovecraft In December, I bring to you my humble Lovecraft DVD collection. 

Some of these DVDs, namely 2 of the HP Lovecraft Collections, are rentsl DVDs I bought from a store called Hastings(before they sadly went out of business). 

Hastings had a movie rental section and if a movie hadn’t been rented in over a month you had the option to buy it, and that’s how I obtained some of those. 

I discovered these DVDs almost at the same time I started reading Lovecraft and let me tell you, that was a really great time. 

Discovering these independent films was like stepping down into a tomb of unknown treasures that no one else had discovered yet. 

Since some of these DVDs have more than one film on them, I’ll be taking a closer look at them to round out the end of LiD. 

It’s been a ride!

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