Monday, December 3, 2018

Lovecraft In December #3: Startin’ them early!

Day three of Lovecraft in December! And today I bring you childhood joy! Sort of!

Pictured is a small collection of fun, novel Lovecraftian versions of beloved children’s books! Three of which were written by Kenneth Hite, author of Tour de Lovecraft and the tabletop RPG Trail of Cthulhu. And the Call of Cthulhu(for beginning readers) by R.J. Ivankovic.

Like many of you I also read The Polar Express, Where the Wild Things Are and Goodnight Moon, and these Lovecraftian versions are charming and evoke not only that same childhood feeling you got when reading them, but also tickle that unique “Lovecraft-ness” one might share with an unsuspecting child. 

Never too early to learn about man’s insignificance in an uncaring at best and malignant at worst cosmos!

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