Saturday, December 1, 2018

Lovecraft In December #1: I.N.J. Culbard Collection

Welcome to the first post of Lovecraft In December!

With the first of the month comes my finally completed collection of I.N.J. Culbard Lovecraft TPB adaptations(and The King In Yellow, which I just recently got).

I'm a big fan of adaptations of Lovecraft's work(especially good adaptations...) and Culbard's works are up there with the best, comic book or otherwise.

His art is very reminiscent of the Ligne Claire art style(popularized by HergĂ© of TinTin fame) in the best way. It evokes the period of Lovecraft's works perfectly while still allowing for a bit of pulp whimsy to creep in. It's fantastic.

Of course this post comes around the time of a collection of Mountains of Madness, Charles Dexter Ward, Shadow Out of Time, and Dream-Quest in a beautiful hardcover for an insanely reasonable price.

If you're at all interested in reading these adaptations I'd seriously suggest grabbing that hardcover because these TPBs are getting harder and harder to come by.

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