Thursday, August 22, 2019

October-The Ghost In You

Now that summer is FINALLY coming to an end, we're(and by "we" I mean all the fun, cool people) are getting our heads into Halloween season mode!

Our heads are always in Halloween mode, but Halloween SEASON mode is reserved for when the stores start putting Halloween stuff out.

And to kick it off for me, arbitrarily, I give you this:

This truly haunting and beautiful song called October.

It really captures something about that time and that season. Not necessarily just about Halloween but October as a state of being.

Enjoy won't you.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Haven't posted much lately.

But I'm going to try and change that real soon. Definitely not giving up on this blog.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Chain by Fleetwood Mac...playing from another room.

I really love the idea of listening to music that sounds like it's coming from another room.

I didn't know I did until I discovered this person's tumblr page!

Then they had their page terminated and I was sad

But now they have a soundcloud! So yay!

Check this person's soundcloud out.

Why did I write this like this.

Friday, January 18, 2019

A cavalcade of creepy horror puppets!

Apparently there are a ton of really awesome horror-related puppets online! 

During an internet deep dive my fiancĂ©e and I took the other night, we somehow made it to puppets and came across a subgenre of a subgenre in the form of super cool and creative horror puppets. 

Above are just a smattering of them obviously, but definitely some of my favorites. 

Now I kind of want a horror puppet(and one that looks like me but that’s my business).

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Merkins-Friends with no Faces

I just discovered this video a couple days ago, having been first introduced to these guys The Merkins through their very fun Slashstreet Boys video I'll Kill You That Way.

This time Leatherface gets a solo and boy is it great. I'm definitely not a fan of country music but I was brought up in country music culture and this really nails AND turns it on its head.

The Leatherface costumes, production value and music are all great. Fantastic all around!

We now begin our regularly scheduled programming

After finishing Lovecraft In December, I'll be doing only regular blogposts from here on out.

Pretty habitually of course.

Posts like things I might film with my new camera(which I'm so excited to use) which might be blogs or short films or just neat videos of things to film.

Maybe videos or music or art or photos I find out there in the internet aether(credit to artists properly attributed of course).

Come to think of it, I want to post something right now! Meet me in the next post!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Lovecraft...In the New Year!

Happy new year everybody! In honor of the end of Lovecraft In December and the new year, I want to spotlight one of my favorite Lovecraftian things out there:

I give you a sampling of my collection from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society!

I’ve been a fan of theirs since I discovered their silent film adaptation Call Of Cthulhu(at Hastings! Hastings was a huge facilitator of my Lovecraft fandom in the form of DVDs and books).

Since then their library of props and music and radio dramas has grown to an incredible size, all the while maintaining the greatest of quality and a very unique catalogue of items(where else could you get a pee chee style folder but with Lovecraftiana all over it?)

Their radio dramas are also just so incredible. Super high quality sound design and voice acting and even fantastic quality props that come with the cds!

I truly truly can’t sing their praises enough.

Check them out if you’d like!